Friday, January 14, 2011

Chief Benito Gray Horse - Apache

The following information was extracted from an account of Benito Gray Horse by Takatoka at the following web site:

Benito Gray Horse was a Chiracahua Apache who was born in about 1850 probably near Warm Springs, Arkansas.  From the age of 19 to 36 he was a fierce Apache warrior who exercised guerrilla warfare against the United States along with Chief Geronimo.  His war against the United States ended in 1886 when he and other warriors were taken prisoners by the United States Army and sent by train to a prison in Fort Marion, Florida.

Life there was awful.  There was disease and many Indians died from the harsh condition.

A group of Quakers visited the Indians in Fort Marion and for some reason were impressed with Benito.  They were so impressed that they sent him to the Carlisle Indian school in Pennsylvania.  However, the school authorities would not allow him to attend the classes.

Notwithstanding the setback, he learned English from the Indian students.  While there, Benito decided to become a lawyer and read everything he could at the school about becoming a lawyer.  The Quakers sponsored him to go to college to become a lawyer and he went to college and attained a law degree.

Benito's intent on getting his law degree was to go back to his people and represent them.  However, in this he was disappointed.  After getting his degree and going back to his people, he found that his people rejected him because he had adopted the white man's ways.  The white people in the area would not accept him because he was an Indian.

It was very difficult for Benito for some time and he survived by doing odd jobs.  While doing these odd jobs, he started setting up business links and connections.  By this time, Benito had become quite proficient in a number of languages and because of his language skill, he was able to set up business connections between Mexico and the United States.

Benito Marries

Benito moved to Galveston, Texas, and became very prosperous.  While there he met and married his first wife, a lovely white woman.  They had two sons.

Some time later, a large fire in Galveston destroyed Benito's warehouses as well as his home with his wife and second son.

His oldest son joined the war as a pilot in World War I and was killed.

Benito Moves to Europe

Being alone again, Benito decided to go to Europe.  While in Europe, he decided to become a doctor.  He took odd jobs while studying to become a doctor.  Upon getting a degree as a doctor, he found that the Europeans did not want an "Indian" doctor.  He took on odd jobs to keep alive and at some point found that the Spanish Army was looking for assistance in waging war against the United States to keep Cuba.  Benito joined the effort and showed the Spanish how to use guerrilla tactics to wage war.  It was to no avail because the Spanish Government ran out of money to wage the war.

Even though the Spanish Government lost, Benito's reputation for teaching the techniques of guerrilla warfare spread to other countries (i.e. England, France and Germany).  They started bidding for his talents.  Benito eventually decided on accepting the offers of the English.  They gave him a tax-free estate with servants and horses.  Life was now fantastic for Benito. 

Benito Leaves

All of a sudden, Benito was no longer to be found in England.  It was a great shock to all that knew him in England.  Because of his sudden disappearance, they decided that he took out his money from the bank, went down to the docks near the Thames River where there were ruffians and was killed for his money.

In reality what happened was that he had been having terrible dreams every night for months by his ancestors who were telling him that he should return to his homeland.

2nd Marriage

Benito first went to Arizona, Mexico and then New Mexico.  In his journeys, he met a young woman name Napanee.  He first hired her to be his cook.  They fell in love, and they were married Apache style. 
Benito was 60 and Napanee was 14.

After the marriage, Benito put all their belongings and his new wife, and headed out for his homeland in Arkansas.  It was an arduous trip and Napanee cried most of the way there because of the harsh conditions.

First Child

They finally arrive in Warm Spring, Arkansas.  After a short time, Napanee had their first child, a daughter.  After a short time, while Napanee and Benito were away from their home, it was burned to the ground.  Benito was not able to rebuild their home for a few days.  In the meantime, their daughter caught pneumonia and died.  The baby was never given a name.

Three More Children

Napanee had two more daughters, Teewanee and Napanee, and a son, Geronimo Benito Gray Horse.  Because of the intense persecution these children received by the white children in the schools, these children moved away from Warm Springs, Arkansas, and did not come back to visit.


Benito died in 1945 in Warm Springs, Arkansas.


Benito Gray Horse was an extraordinary American Indian.  He was a lawyer, a doctor, a businessman and a military consultant.  He traveled  to Europe.  He entertained and was entertained by royalty in England.  He spoke many languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Cuban, Mexican, Apache and Navajo.


  1. This biography is chiefly a fabrication. Chief Grayhorse never attended Carlisle, Harvard Law School or medical school in Europe. In fact there is no evidence that the Benito was a son of Cochise, knew Geronimo or was even an Apache. Sadly just as Chief Grayhorse played to the "Indian myth" in Hot Springs Arkansas to promote his various business endeavors Takatoka is now playing to the "Chief Grayhorse myth" to promote the Manataka American Indian Council. For those wanting a true and verifiable account of Chief Grayhorse's life and history, please do not hesitate to contact me at

    1. your email address is not recognized so cant email you so I can get the truth
